"Among the very early settlers in Roxborough Township Philadephia County, was a certain Peter Righter. There is a tradition that he came from Germany in 1694 or somewhat later, as a member of the group of Pietists, who settled on the Ridge above the Wissanhickon Creek, south of what is now known as Hermit Lane. Since there is no list of the persons who originally formed this group, or of those who joined them between 1694 and the death of Kelpius in 1708, when the community began to break up, there is no proof of whether a Peter Righter was or was not a member. Julius F. Sachse in his "German Pietist in Pennsylvania" accepts the tradition and states that it was from Phoebe Righter, widow of Daniel Righter, a grandson of Peter, that proof was obtained of the former tenure of his land by the 'Mystic Brotherhood.' The Pietist Community did not own the land on which it established itself. The Righters acquired the land years after the Community was scattered. The leaders of the Pietists were men of university education and considerable learning. If Peter Righter was one of them, he was an unlearned follower, for he could not write his name. The tradition further is that Peter Righter left the group very soon after his arrival here, married and raised a family. There is no record of the arrival of Peter Righter in America."

A Study of the Righter-Reiter Families of Philadephia County in the Eighteenth Center by Miss Mildred Goshow

Peter Righter was certainly of German origin. While he could not write his name, his son Bartholomew, could and signed his will in German script. 'Barthol Reiter'. Some have suggested that the name was Richter. The Anglicized spelling, Righter represents quite accurtely the sound of the German Reiter, and not at all that of the German Richter. Variations in English spellings, such as Reighter, or Riter, also indicate Reiter as the German name.

The first record found of Peter Righter is the deed relating purchage, at sheriff's sale, 11 September 1725 of 80 acres of land that had belonged to Matthew Holgate. This tract extended across Roxborough Township from the Schuylkill River to the Wissahickon Creek, 53 perches along the Creek, 40 along the River, south of the line of the present Hermit Lane. Sheriff Owen Roberts died before the actual conveyance of this land to Peter Righter was completed, but Peter seems to have taken possession at that time. On 23 January 1728 he sold 3 acres, a corner of this land on the East Side of the road from Philadephia to Plymouth, now Ridge Road, and at the northern end of the tract, to his son Bartholomew. It was not until 6 December 1728, that Sheriff Owen Owen, successor to Owen Robers, on completion of payment of the price of 22 pounds by Peter, executed deeds to convey the land to him. (Philadelphia County Deed Book ADB-142, 485.)

It is evident that by this time Peter was married, and his family was growing up about him on his farm. Yeoman Peter Righter lived on his farm in Lower Roxborough Township for 16 years longer. When John Hyatt prepared his list of landholders in Philadelphia County for Thomas Penn, Proprietor, in 1734, the returns for Roxborough Township included Peter Righter, 80 acres, Bartel Righter ('in corne') 3 acres. (Publications of the Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania Vol. 1 (1898), 181) With the sale of 3 acres to Bartholomew (Bartle) the acreage for Peter should have been 77. 27 October 1741, Peter Righter yeoman, sold his 77 acres of land for 60 pounds to his third son Michael. (Deed Book H-9, 367) Perhaps Peter was now too old to manage a farm and lived out the few years left to him with his son. No wife was named in association with him in this sale of land, so it may be concluded that she died before this date.

Letters of administration were granted 4 August 1744, to Bartholomew Righter "on the estate of late Peter Reighter, dec'd.' No account or inventory of his estate is on file. (Administration Book E, 36 #65, 1744) Bartholomew's account was to be filed 5 August 1745, when he may have been in his last illness, for he died that summer. Children of Peter Righter: Bartholomew (Bartle), Peter, Michael and George.

There is no proof that this list is complete nor of the order in which the children are listed, except that Michael was the third son. Bartholomew is placed first because he was the first to have land of his own, and was appointed administrator of his father's estate. Peter is included because of the tradition that Peter, the ferryman, was a brother of Michael. There is no proof that George was a son of Peter. It is assumed that he was because he lived in Roxborough Township, used the spelling Righter for his name, as did the others in Roxborough family, and acquired land about the time a younger son might have done. There is certainly a probability that he belonged to the family.

Genealogies of Pennsylvania Famlies Vol II page 732-734