My mother, Lorraine Hilton Livingood, remembers the circumstances of the passing of Esther Hunt Coffin Grow. Esther and William were visiting their daughter and son-in-law Esther Effie Grow and Charles Leon Poulter at their home at 480 Cross Street, Ogden, Utah. Esther had sugar diabetes for a number of years and during this time she fell ill. My mother remembers that she was in the back bedroom of the house and was told to be very quiet, but could not resist peeking. Esther passed away after a couple of days on the 20th of December. The official cause of death was listed as Cerebral Hemorage. There had been several bad snow storms that year and they were unable to take her body by train for burial to Ammon Idaho. They stored the coffin in the back shed of Effie's house until they were able to make the trip to Idaho in February.

Later my family bought the house next to Effie at 474 Cross Street. We lived there from the time I was 2 until my Great-grandmother Effie passed away. Interestingly, it was in this shed that my mother rescued the large picture of Esther Hunt as a young woman along with a couple of pictures of her sons.